Tuesday, March 24, 2009

GS in waiting

It's been about a week now that we were "approved" all around to become a GS. Last week's possibility had us excited but now the agency said they have to ask an attorney from our state if surrogacy is legal with some international countries. Maybe I am wrong here, but don't you think the agency would already have a list?

The weekend was long and I tried to occupy myself with my family. Do you know how hard that is to do when you are anticipating something so huge? If you are reading my blog, I am sure you do - and in fact, I know there will be many more times to come. Anyone who knows me, knows I am not the "patient" type - I try to be, but somehow it never works!

After reading some surrogacy blogs, I am now fully aware of how many hoops every GS must jump thru to help a family bring to life their dreams of becoming parents. It makes me ask: Why can some have multiple children and others none? It definitely makes me question a lot in this world.

A few more spring break days for me...hopefully we'll have some news by next week.