Friday, March 20, 2009

Possible Match

Yesterday, we received a few questions from a possible match via our case manager. All four questions were typical explanations for answers on the original questionnaire. I felt I answered them openly and honestly. We learned that our possible IP was from Sweden which brought much excitement to both me and my husband. My husband traveled to Sweden about 15 years ago and his father has a great understanding of their culture..he loves it there. My husband and I both thought this would be the one.

Unfortunately, today we got the news about our IP and he decided because of a previous matter (past surrogate match) that he really needed to wait a month before starting the process again. We both agreed that the IP is making the best decision for himself and his future family. We wish him the best.

So what does that mean for us now? Well, our cm is looking to match us with another IP(s) soon. We're hopeful that she'll find the right one for us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. I spent the day with my two girls, my husband and a friend at the parade. Then we all headed back home to relax and talk.

My husband got his phone call from the agency today. He was asked many of the same questions as I was, but also had an opportunity to learn more about the process, side effects, and insurance. Now that this little hurdle was accomplished we could hear by the end of the week if they've matched us with a family. The hard part is waiting, but we've only been waiting for three months and the families have already waited at least 4-6 months just with the agency - who knows how long they've tried or waited to start a family.

I can say first hand that wanting a family and getting a family is not always easy; for some, yes, but not husband and I can attest to that. We miscarried about 2 1/2 years ago, it was very early and was probably a chemical pregnancy, but it had a huge impact on us both. It took me about six months before I even wanted to try to conceive again. Luckily, after about 6 months we conceived our now 10 month old little girl.

Our experience I know is not comparable to any family that has turned to surrogacy.

Another topic of conversation is how are we going to tell or explain our choice to become a surrogate to others around us. Many people I think will be accepting, but others will not. Fortunately, we do have a small support group that we've already confided in and they completely understand our desire to "foster" a child for our "extended" family.

If anyone out there has experience, please let me know.


Monday, March 16, 2009

On our way

Tonight I spent about an hour speaking to a case worker with our agency. I learned so much more through our conversation about the process of being matched and what will happen once all the paperwork is complete.

I can safely say that my husband, kids, and I are only at the beginning of an amazing experience.

My heart is so full right now - I know what I have chosen to do is right.