Monday, July 13, 2009

Cycling Update

I've been cycling now with Lupron for more than two weeks. The shots are easy to give, but my tummy is starting to become a little more sensitive. After my ultrasound last week, I was able to reduce how much Lupron to inject, thus giving me a little bit more sleep. That is one thing I do not do well with...lack of sleep! I turned into a grump and tried to sneak a few winks over those first 10 days of the Lupron. Now I am sleeping a bit better but not back 100% yet.

I started another medication too called Estrace to help my womb become ready for the embryo(s). The RE is hoping the womb will become nice and fluffy before the transfer. I am still continuing to take my vitamins too. They don't sit very well with my stomach so I am hoping once we have a BFP (big fat positive) I'll be able to take a different vitamin. Maybe the Flinstone ones would work!?!

My IP and I have continued to email regularly. My IP is getting ready to move to a new place and has been packing a lot. I remember those days! It is nice to finally be "settled" in a house. I think I moved 10 times in 6 years-way too many!

On a side note - I watched BBC's "Addicted to Surrogacy" and couldn't believe some of the stories. My heart always goes out to a mother, father, family who truly want children but for whatever reason cannot have them without assistance. The show talked to one woman who had been a traditional surrogate 7 times! Wow.

At this point I don't think I would be a surrogate more then once, but you never know until you go through something like this what your decision would be. I am just so thankful to help my IP!

I'll be off to the east coast in less than 3 weeks for our 1st transfer!